Maes Parcio'r Drindod Sanctaidd
Mae'r maes parcio ar agor i aelodau'r cyhoedd. Nid oes tâl yn daladwy i'r rhai sy'n mynychu gwasanaethau bore Sul ar yr amod bod cerbydau'n cael eu symud cyn 1pm.
O Ebrill 2019, mae'r Maes Parcio wedi'i reoli gan Euro Car Parks.
Os ydych wedi derbyn Hysbysiad Tâl Parcio (PCN) gan Euro Car Parks a'ch bod yn ystyried ei fod yn annheg, cliciwch yma.
Mae'r fynedfa i Faes Parcio Eglwys y Drindod Sanctaidd i'r de orllewin o'r fynwent ar Sgwâr y Drindod.
Os ydych yn defnyddio llywio â lloeren, defnyddiwch y cod post LL30 2RB i fynd â chi at fynedfa’r maes parcio. Sylwch: nid dyma’r cod post ar gyfer Eglwys y Drindod Sanctaidd.
Holy Trinity Car Park
The car park is open to members of the public. No charge is payable for those attending Sunday morning services provided vehicles are removed before 1 pm.
Since April 2019, the Car Park has been managed by Euro Car Parks.
If you have received a Parking Charge Notice (PCN) from Euro Car Parks and you consider it to be unfair, please click here.
The entrance to Holy Trinity Church Car Park is on the south west of the churchyard on Trinity Square.
If using satellite navigation, use the postcode LL30 2RB to take you to the car park entrance. Note: this is not the postcode for Holy Trinity Church.